Jumma: 1st Khutbah 1.30pm︱2nd Khutbah 2pm
October 18, 2024

7:29 am

18:00 Minutes
Begins6:00 am7:29 am12:51 pm4:10 pm6:05 pm7:20 pm
Jama’ah6:30 am1:30 pm4:45 pm6:10 pm7:45 pm

Our Story

The Messenger of Allah, ﷺ said:
“Whoever builds a mosque for Allah,
Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.”
Hadith (Bukhari)

We acquired this Masjid in March 2019 for around £600,000 including refurbishment, with Qarde Hasana (loan). Alhamdulillah, following on from gaining planning permission and easing of the covid rules we have gradually started and increased activities at the centre. We now have the following services in place and plan to increase with more activities.

  • Five daily prayers – incl Jummah
  • Children’s Maktab (Evening and Weekends)
  • Weekly Brothers Circle
  • Weekly Youth Circle
  • Weekly Sisters Circle
  • Monthly Litter pick
  • Partnership with Safer
    Neighbourhood Team
  • Community Road watch
  • Coffee Mornings
  • Plans to start Food Club (to support those financially struggling)

By the grace of Allah and your continued
support our current Qarde Hasana that is
outstanding and needs to be repaid is
£274,700. This is a beautiful opportunity
for you to donate towards the house of
Allah so please donate generously and we
pray that Allah rewards you in many folds
in return.